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「Cedar」的拉丁名稱是「arbor vitae」,意為「生命之樹」。數千年來,人們一直使用雪松作為藥用和靈性用途。燃燒時,它可以清潔區域中的負能量並帶來良好的影響,同時散發出愉悅的香氣。🌲




  • 改善噩夢問題
  • 放在家中有保護作用,能抵禦一切邪惡
  • 冥想時有助集中精神,加強冥想深度及內在連結
  • 有助接地,與大自然連結
  • 招財
  • 治療
  • 淨化空間及靈魂



1. 耐熱容器(一般可使用陶碗,古老方法建議使用鮑魚貝殻)
2. 火種(火柴,蠟燭或打火機)
3. 扇(不是必需,只用作引導煙薰方向)


1. 小心使用火種,煙薰時請勿穿長而寬袖的衣服,小心燙傷或燃燒到附近的物件。可先準備水源在危險時可使用。
2. 不要使用易於傳熱的器皿,如金屬或玻璃
3. 燃燒時請時刻注意火種,不要將點燃的煙薰棒獨留房間內
4. 燃燒後請注意火種是否已完全熄滅
5. 如氣管比較過敏,請打開窗戶,嚴重過敏者請先徵詢醫生意見
6. 懷孕期間及哺乳期的婦女最好不要使用


1. 點燃煙薰棒有葉子的那端,上下擺動滅掉明火,煙霧升起
2. 把煙薰棒放在耐熱容器內,捧著容器在房間繞行一周,可以在每個角落多停留一會
3. 最後把容器放在房間中心,讓煙淨化整個空間



The Latin name for “Cedar” is “arbor vitae,” which means “tree of life.” For thousands of years, people have used cedar for medicinal and spiritual purposes. When burned, it can cleanse negative energy in an area and bring positive influences while emitting a pleasant aroma. 🌲


Benefits of Cedar

  • Improves nightmares

  • Provides protection when placed in the home, warding off evil

  • Enhances focus and inner connection during meditation

  • Help to ground and connect with nature

  • Attracts wealth

  • Has healing properties

  • Purifies spaces and souls


Materials Needed for Burning Cedar

  • Heat-resistant container (a ceramic bowl is suitable; ancient methods recommend using an abalone shell)

  • Ignition source (matches, candles, or a lighter)

  • Fan (not essential, but can be used to guide the smoke)



  • Be cautious with the ignition source. Avoid wearing loose, long sleeves during smudging to prevent burns or accidental fires. Keep a water source nearby for safety.

  • Do not use containers that conduct heat easily, such as metal or glass.

  • When burning, always monitor the ignition source. Do not leave a lit smudge stick unattended in a room.

  • After burning, ensure the ignition source is completely extinguished.

  • If you have sensitive airways, open windows during smudging. Consult a doctor if you have severe allergies.

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to avoid using smudge sticks.


Purifying Space with Burning Cedar

  • Light the smudge stick from the leafy end, extinguish the flame by gently waving it up and down, and let the smoke rise.

  • Place the smudge stick in the heat-resistant container. Hold the container and walk around the room, pausing in each corner.

  • Finally, position the container in the center of the room to allow the smoke to purify the entire space.


*Do not use water to extinguish the smudge stick; otherwise, it won’t be usable next time. Store the smudge stick in a dry place and relight it for future use.

雪松煙燻棒 Cedar Smudge Stick - 5”

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